CAT Art Exhibition

MAY 07, 2015



A few months ago I received an invitation to show some of my art in an exhibition at Contemporary Art Tasmania, a prime cultural art center in Tasmania (yep, way down there where those little devils live!). Tender Exotics is the exhibition theme.


The Tender Exotics exhibition opened May 5th, with a presentation by the curator Lisa Campbell-Smith. Six of my works are being shown during the exhibition, which runs through the month of May. An image of Awakening, the first of three new paintings I produced for the show, is included herewith.


My dear friend Recy, who lives in Australia (which, in case you slept through geography class, is relatively nearby to Tasmania) has been kind enough to loan three of my paintings that she owns for display in the exhibition.


To learn more about this exhibition, and about the numerous other CAT arts and culture projects, visit the CAT website.


It is such an honor to have been invited to show work in an exhibition at CAT, and I consider it such a privilege to participate, I simply had to share this event with you.






FEB 09, 2015



SENTINELS is a painting inspired by the ancient standing stones that are found in some regions of the British Isles. Though Bobby has never seen one in person, in this life, these stone monuments speak to him from afar. The mysterious standing stones hearken from a prehistoric era, so the best we may know of their origins and purpose derives from the qualified conjecture of archeologists. Some say the Druids erected them, using methods we can only guess at, and for reasons that are not entirely clear. In this case, as in much of my work, it is the mystical connotations that intrigue him as an artist. Encountering one or more of these monoliths is said to transfix, to hold one's attention, for a time, stationary. They stand as keepers of a higher truth and beckon to us in their absolute stillness and solitude, these guardians of the Great Mystery.




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© 2014 Bobby BeauSoleil and BHDesigns. All Rights Reserved. |  Images are copyrighted to their respective owners.